Impostor syndrome is actually a gift. Wait what?
Yes, I know it can sound weird but we should use imposter syndrome as an advantage. Overcoming it, however, is much easier said than done.
Designers who experience imposter syndrome feel unworthy of their accomplishments and or talent. They believe they are less capable or skilled than people may believe, and that eventually, individuals in their immediate vicinity will realize that they are a fraud.
For most people, I don’t think it ever really goes away. Just when you think you have things under control, something new comes up—and there it is, rearing its ugly head. But—you don’t have to give in to Impostor Syndrome.
You can learn to use impostor syndrome to your advantage. Yes, use it to your advantage. Embrace it instead of fearing it. From my personal struggle with imposter syndrome, I’ve assembled several methods other designers can employ to give self-assurance and confidence to their well-deserved status and esteem.
Here are a few steps you can follow to first control your impostor syndrome (instead of it controlling you), and then use impostor syndrome to your advantage:
Acknowledge impostor syndrome for what it is.
Acknowledge your qualities and your success
Learn from your failures
Build a Support Network
Keep being curious, open-minded, and flexibility
Separate your past self-image from your present self-image
Realize that you are not alone
When we experience imposter syndrome, we frequently think we are the only ones who feel unworthy of our status and accomplishments. Yet 70% of people experience this at least occasionally.
There are individuals among us who actually feel like imposters, despite the appearance that there are many of us who do. These people are a breed that we have all come across. They exude arrogance and charisma, but they lack the skills and intelligence needed for their esteemed positions. In many circumstances, these imposters raise the standard by which we measure ourselves artificially.
Finally, just do it anyway.
The best way to grow professionally and personally is through uncomfortable situations. Heck, when things get too comfortable, I would argue that you are no longer growing... use that exact moment to start looking for a new and challenging opportunity. Strive towards that impostor syndrome and will discover you can actually do way more than you think. You will also discover a new you along the way.
That feeling of being an impostor is your subconscious telling you something: It’s saying you’re about to push yourself past your comfort zone and into the growth zone. Now when an opportunity shows up and impostor syndrome starts twitching in the pit of my stomach, that’s a sign I should jump at it!
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